Video 4
lead us from the unreal to the real leaders from darkness unto life leaders from death into immortality own these Peas we've been enjoying the beautiful sight of this lake and the incredible effect of the forest being reflected in the lake it reminds me of a verse I think it is from the yoga Vasishta we'd save this universe is like a forest reflected in a lake exactly what you're seeing there what does it mean first consider what we are seeing there forgive the hill and the forest just just the lake itself when you look at the lake and the waters of the lake you see a dense forest inside upside-down sky in forest in there and if it appears there it's there as the light fades evening comes the forest disappears it's just dark water because after all we know that the forest in the lake was created as an as an illusion created by the effect of light it's a reflection so if the light goes away there is no more forest in the lake and in the dark of the night just the lake no forest in the lake and then in the morning again in the Sun rises again if when you look especially in the morning there's no ripples the lake is very calm and you can see it's like glass you can see the entire forest in the lake that's the exact note that the DeForest in the lake appears sometimes and then disappears and then reappears again one two even when the forest appears in the lake there is no forest in the lake isn't it it just looks like that right now it just looks like that there are no trees in delay nothing nothing no forest it's just the link so when the in the day time when the forest appears in the league there's no first in the day it just looks like that and in the night the forest does not appear in the lake and there is no forest in the lake now that's the example why am i speaking about lakes and forests because the example of what does adwaita played on to think about creation about this universe it's exactly like the forest in the lake the lily is searched on the existence consciousness bliss the forest in the lake is the universe when it appears in the lake of satchitananda we say there is creation and existence and then it disappears the universe in the lake of such Adonijah that it disappears we say what we call pralaya the dissolution of universe note that just like the forest in the lake even when it appears without the since there is no universe in run there is no duality in brahman it looks like that and sometimes it does not appear also at that time also there is no universe in problem so the appearance ER is the universe cycles between appearance and disappearance the universe like that forest in the lake it cycles between appearance and disappearance with rising and setting of the Sun so as note renders the forest exist in the lake in the same way across this universe it cycles between creation and structure I have no time mr. universe this is a point of Atlantis position itself cause because without the link and that forest up there there will be no reflection you've just only light is there nothing would happen it it is because of the light that the forest is reflected in the lake and then forest in the lake effect arises it's a magnificent effect now what is the role here in such Adhan and the white is the universe appear because we saw yesterday there are factor they they have introduced is Maya Maya property of India three different names were used so that's where just like the light plays the role here similarly Maya or practically the power of Brandon it plays the role in projecting the universe where there is nowhere else to project it except Rama Brahmins only reality theories so where will the universe appear in brown and when it is appearing when the forest is appearing in the lake we are if you ask the lake a justice some dense forest you've got inside you will see what forest there's nothing you know I just that's me just the water but I see it and the lakes is ah just because you see it doesn't mean it's there it looks like that so when Arthur says it looks like that why does it look like that at all if you ask my steps the answer if you ask one more step forward yesterday we discussed it why am I not at all then you remember the answer which I gave you because you cannot ask why of Maya because Maya includes causation why that starts with Maya there's no why before mine and the whole question is moot if there was a real universe you would want there's no real universe just looks like that it's okay yes creation appears with mine other way around it's like you're asking does the seed seed appear with the tree no the three empty is after the seed no what is Maya is it actually there no so it's not there no you cannot say it is there you cannot say it is not if that is in fact one of the characteristics of Maya son Asad Mohammed in Virginia in Sanskrit it cannot be determined as existing or as non-existent if it if it did exist look at the forest steppe is there really a parsnip no so it's nothing no not even that because there is a reflection there is something that you see something that you see in which disappears and it appears again so something is going on but it's not really a forest because when the forest is appearing thousands and thousands of trees perfectly you can see down to the leaves the water is not moving we can see there and I'm telling you there is little on thousands of trees there is not even one tree there there's not even one little leaf in there it's just water similarly is the tremendous thing we are saying that is the meaning of lake arenal forest false Brahman is real universe response but that does not prevent the lake from appearing and disappearing does does not prevent the universe from appearing and disappearing what made Arthur wants to find out is all the time with you appearing it is nothing other than Brahman that's the trick of Vedanta even when the universe is appearing like now right now right now it is actually random and every bit of this problem every bit of the forest in the lake which you see every bit of it the tree the trunk the leaves and the shoots and all of them they're nothing but water right now it's an illusion created by sunlight on water here it's an illusion created by Maya Advaita Vedanta says everything here is nothing but such chewed on in the broth that is the meaning of God pervades everything we make another pointed out we Hindus worship and imminent transcendent God if you say God is transcendent beyond this universe there is a God who created this universe apart from this universe that's a transcendent God if you say God is here this is god that's an imminent god both have their problems what are the problems if you say God is entirely transcendent beyond the universe then you have two realities universe and God and two realities means neither can be infinite infinite means there's nothing that limits it that God and the universe limit each other are you with me delimit each other both are limited okay the universe can be limited but now do you accept and does any religion accept a limited God unlimited God is no God it's subject to limitation change decay and death the very idea of a transcendent God and a real universe together is disastrous for any religion they don't see it it's completely logical here we are and there is God separate in this real yes is God real yes two realities separate from each other they limit each other so there is something which is not God and that not God exists if you say then there are two different things a divine reality and a mundane reality that's how most people most dualistic approaches think about it that we here we are there is something called God's not realizing they have killed their God that's the death of God that's the problem with complete transcendence there are the problems if it's completely other there's no doorway to God whatever you experience in the world will be the world the universe where's captain there's no proof of such a god awesome so many problems completely transcendent in manet here all this is garden it's called pantheism big problem then why then your God is born and it exists and it dies and it suffers and is it's affected by sin and evil like this world if this world itself God has become this world everything here is God literally as it is God is a table and a chair and a tree and a forest and everything that happens to the world is affecting God because God is this world God is not unaffected by it if God is transcendent God is unaffected by the world but if God is has become this world totally imminent in this world no no no why worship such a garden by college of God call it the world air quality but what the water weight of a doctor does is remarkable it worships a transcendent eminent John Brown is beyond this universe untouched by this universe and yet this universe is not beyond run the example is a reading that lake and the forest in the lake that forest every bit of the forest in the lake is pervaded by the water of the lake are you with me whatever is in that lake whatever that forest every leaf branch to a tree in the thousands of trees which you see in the forest all of them every bit of it without any gap is just water although it is forbidden here in the forest appears so we can say the link is imminent in the reflected forest but here the ladies transcend in touch if one day the forest burns and you will see the burning forest reflected in the lake will the lake burn not affected it is transcendent nothing that happens to the forest affects the lake because the forest is not really in the label this is called the theory of Maya innovative Atlanta the universe appears in Brahman it has no existence apart from rock that reflected forests if the lake dries up god forbid if the lake ever tries up will there be a reflective forest no the reflected forest completely depends on the lake or its existence but does the lake depend on the reflected forest for its existence no every night you can see the lake existing there is no forest so Bronwen does not depend on the universe Brahman is not limited by the universal Brahman is not affected by the universe when the universe completely depends on Brandon for its existence manifestation and disappearance every bit of it every bit of those reflected trees depends on the water forest reflection for his existence [Applause] is equal to issuer do you remember from yesterday and this is the cover of religion where the same thing with a media ignorance is the individual us what was the technical name be used Jeeva Achrafieh same thing another Indonesian is practically Sanskrit meaning circuit is nature that leads to generate the other things universe which universe the material universe it's the same thing Maya we get practically the same more of sattva-guna Maya Moore refresher guna Aditya in more of tamo-guna prakruti and this is the way that a particular version of the story being told every theory you will find different versions is different or break the Texas what did we ask which one is true none of them are the only truth is this just because you asked for an explanation we're giving you the story in our cutters we progress achievers no matter what this is many there are many of these there is only one of this maya & pratik also one but it changes into general okay now next what happens next step in the story because we want to explain all of this if you say I look at trees and plants and human beings and sky and earth you must explain this I don't know these are just as before it's fancy word what does it have to do with what I'm seeing right here we'll see we'll come right up to this lutely from some children now what happens is the story goes next each were God for the benefit of us rocket for us each were pleased with through gravity each were generally elements elements five minutes in Sanskrit Akash why me / to be five elements this is the way I think all ancient civilizations whether it's Mideast whether it's the Chinese of the Indians or the Greeks they saw the rivers as spired water is the elementals so God creates today you might say we created the periodic table with with so many more than 100 different elements and so but anyway this is the story goes the five elements now these elements when they first created these are subtle these are not the air and whatever you see outside not that these are subtle these are not we don't see this but the you now so what next one rabbits by using these five elements the initial with the help of property creates motorcar subtle bodies what does anybody they are comprised of 17 terms service and achievement of 1601 men or 18 parts because the system dick reason are taken from the pub editions so this is a framework which is given there remember again stirring no more real than the forest in the lake it's an appearance surface the 17th March being defines sense organs not the physical nose for the eyes and ears and powers of seeing powers of healing powers of smell and touch we not the physical nervous system or these organs no this the powers the capacities the fine motor organs orbits of action the what you might call the assimilating system the respiratory system but the original promise are two different you find them in Ayurveda for example by the promise and then there is one - mind and there is one more Internet how many 17 parks okay now take a look at yourselves when you look inside we find this ability to see and hear and smell and taste and touch these values we find the ability to walk and talk and grasp the motor others we find the ability that the life forces surging within this body the Pradas and you can hear me right alright so let me pick up right it's not that it is there's no him like there right now and the mind which is thinking and remembering and the booty the intellect which is understanding right now trying to understand that's the intellect so all of these are is nothing theoretical about it it just labeling what exists what we see in the now serves all right now the story goes further what happens next these five subtle elements are mixed up turned in a divine pot I'm just making it up and then they're converted into the gross aliens the ones which you actually see it smell and touch these are gross how do you make those elements of study if you want to try out what's the recipe you mix them up there's a proportion of mixing that might mention that I am going to bother you with it but it's interesting duties have any correspondence with our modern physics professor John Dodson he I never met him but he was in San Francisco in a Hollywood did anybody meet him anybody here Oh many of you are meeting all the worldly group they know the anyway so there he did some work some serious worth trying to relate the five elements to modern cosmology you know you can relate sky to space of course you can relate air to vibration and then you can relate fire to radiation and some kind of maybe background radiation the universe and water to the subtlest form of matter maybe your modern super screens of parks or something like that and earth to the matter as we see it now which composes the universe something like that so he he tried anyway our point is it's a story and so the gross matter is created then what happens out of this gross matter again with the help of property creates gross bodies humans closely not awful gutters groupies physical bodies that you can see in touch here this moment humans animals plants and better than humans there are gods stay with us and so on all kinds of all things of bodies are created by by a ghost better not Elina see you the closed universe planets and stars all such mountains and blue lake everything is created with with gross manner and hence you have this universe our story the stage is completed issuer of god has created this universe what is this universe now I can explain in terms of the story it is gross matter what you mean by that it is fire and water and earth and space and Bend and so we experience it through physical body these are gross bodies here it's responding first this body made of fire and Earth important in space and at birth mmm air what is made of them what's this universe made of say five gross elements and there are planets there are words in which we live and we eat food what is food made of same five minutes that is converted into our physical bodies so our flesh and blood and bones and nerves and all of this physical body is made of five gross elements inside that the subtle body my memory and eco and the light forces and sense powers of singing and hearing its many powers of walking and talking and respect all of those powers and final teeth are made of subtle matter that's called the subtle body beyond that lies this Alethea's ignorance which is called the castle but beyond that lies our real nature such as ah this is the big picture this is the lake plus the reflected forest here in all of this only this is really up to this thickness does it the rest of it is the reflective forest this is the lake the rest of it is the selected forest is the forest others wouldn't if I keep saying reflection facility you will keep thinking what's being reflected but Katie what's being reflected that's calling the forest in the lake this appears in sadhana in the lake of the channel and disappears when it appears we say creation when it disappears this in dissolution and next again creation why is happening the doorway is this mine remember when it appears also it doesn't exist it just looks like that every pick up this sky a fire earth and water all of it is nothing other than such a man a devotee would say it's all pervaded by God there is nothing here except God Rick we make analysis never approach it Cheska it's not rhetorical he means it as a fact as yes it is true whatever you see what you see is farm farm is created by the element of fire what you hear is sound sound is created by the element of a sky space what you touched that because of the element of air what he tasted because element of water what you smelly because they have been took hurt that's Holly that's the wording and hit sky air fire water earth all that and nothing but such illa let me introduce you to two worldviews towards one word us the world be of sound here it's a dualistic system and the other view is the view of Advaita Vedanta which we are scientist is you are your consciousness and all this is really this is somewhat similar to the Sun can burn you they say because of practically the entire universe is produced on this side it's more or less borrowed from some here so some cases all of this it's not produced by nature and sometimes you know this is real but it's not you our real problem is be your consciousness can be solution your consciousness has become attached with the subtle body and the gross body we have become attached my would be my intellect the problem is the motor organ sense organ see what's that it's me and the gross body which comes after that Plus rustling what's that it's me and thoughts ideas memories the breads inside the sensors and water of all of this what's it is mean and scientist is no it's not you look at the universe outside the mountains and forests and the weak you say it's you know those are objects they're objects of my experience right are you with me there are objects of their speeds I see them I touch them I smell them they are something that I experience they are here to me they are not me then some cases look at the body do you see yes do you touch it yes you experience it yes there is an object of experience it's not you saying with your mind your thoughts in your mind your ideas your depression your guilt your desire and ambition all of it there are also objects are there not as subtle objects are they not yes they're objects then they are they are not you is something that you experience then in this way step by step we go back and see that we are the awareness to which subtle body appears with 17 parts a gross body appears and outside dueling and the forest and the sky and the earth material there are all the objects they are all in the realm of nature property and we are consciousness pollution this affects us it says once this becomes clear to you a fact not just a lecture once it becomes back to you you are very that's that's what Sankyo calls liberation so what is liberation exactly note that the object of experience and you the experiencer are both there and both are real Sankey just touched the relationship between you the problem was usually experiences you had embraced an object of experience as myself and I am this thing which one this mind and this body is me and the rest is not me some of it is nice which I want some of it is bad which I must avoid all of it is based on what's nice and what's bad for you whatever is nice for this body and this mind whatever is bad for this body at this point that's my world so I live my life chasing certain things avoiding other things entirely based on the wrong assumption I am a body and a mind that's the problem and then the proper solution should be to cut this false identification with the body in the mind how do you cut this identification because it's a false identifications nobody has taken the rope and tied the consciousness with avoidance no he's just consciousness being aware of the mind in the body and forgotten itself and thinks of itself as the mind of are giving this knowledge that you are they experiencing consciousness mind is an experienced object body just as we do not see I am a mountain of acrylic I see a CSV and Wesley I'm a tree of course not then I see a body why do I see I have the body you might ask the question that saw me if you pinch the tree it doesn't hurt you but if you reach my body and it hurts me so I am the body if in which the tree doesn't hurt me you pitch the body it hurts me so another body encounter tree answer this question when that body is hungry I'm okay with it when this body somebody I feel it so I have to run around providing food for this body so I am this body answer this question assignment right absolutely if affect it you somebody pinches you you feel hurt of course the French say if you feel that hurt that early is not an object painful object but it's an optional object then we are not denying the sensation of pain which is coming but you are it's not you you are something which is aware what is hurting the body the body is earning consciousness suffering consciousness is aware of the pain in the body conscious which is aware of the body consciousness in the body consciousness is aware of the the 100-acre body consciousness is available misery in the mind but it's not does not be not the consciousness because it is aware of it that must be an object and you must be the the experiencer of that object is this clear so using this logic and it's just not just not I believe you can actually see this and can reduce or and I let your suffering and this can freely but remember and continue remember this is one point of view and we're talking about the Sun tell your sense of you remember here all this is really there it's not reflected in the label it's not it's really there this is really dead all you need to do is separate the two and the separation also has to be knowledge there's no real connection between the two there's no real connection between the light of this pen in physics there is but you know more or less life is not attached to the pen pen you can remove the light is still there similarly all this comes and goes in consciousness consciousness is not attached wings of them realize that v3 that's what some cadenzas but what up to enter Texas is remarkable it goes one step forward it says are those things really there no those things are nothing but this consciousness itself all of them are appearing in this consciousness everybody pick up that appearance is dis consciousness and we will become that you know reflective forest in the link is just the way except water when you realize the entirety of appearance the entire universe body mind all of this is actually nothing apart from the underlying consciousness then shortly that is the upgrade the pointer being what there is to ilysm in the other one dumpling how take the example of the Laker game if you look at the forest in the lake and count how many things are there you see how strongly ten thousand trees and the water oh yes I forgot to count that ten thousand trees plus one water what Lake Lake full of water truly truly is that so or is it just the water are there really ten thousand and one things in that lake all those trees plus the water are you following the example we don't follow the example the next step won't make any sense if you look at the forest in the lake right now and if I ask you to count how many things are there how many trees if you count one answer will be 10,000 or 100,000 trees and yeah a real answer will be none only thing that's there is the water the lake now my question is the water in the lake isn't it non-dual with respect to the forest let me put it in a more simpler way is there a second thing called a forest in that lake lake is one thing and apart from that lake is there a forest in the lake aren't there any thousand trees in the lake no there is no second forest apart from the lake in the lake so with respect to the forest the lake is no second the second forest is no second to the lake no second means no two means not do it in the same way when the universe appears in random all this appears in brother it looks like billions of entities seven billion human beings billions and billions creatures millions and billions of stars and planets and how many trillions of protons and neutrons and electrons without they will say non-dual all of that is not really there all that there is actually is existence consciousness based brother so with respect to Brahman all these universe is not dual not true there's no second thing only really reality is that you do so not melody when you realize the non duality a problem of yourself that is liberation Antoinetta in Southie a liberation is cutting the relationship between yourself and others in sanskrit the words are very precise they say about someone know each other cutting the relationship between you and the material order of things not with a physical sword with the sword of understanding it's there let it be there i am its observer a witness unaffected including the body mind when Arthur says it's not there it appears within you and in fact it is you you will own up I'll be preaching here whatever you perceive when you realize that not only energy and your free question well it's how do the Sun cares philosophers counter then that by teletype well from my point of view they cannot they they stopped at a dwelling they stopped at the dualism the dualism is practically pollution this is real decision they stopped it that's it finished Atlanta banana has some questions for example a greater than after the question there are some he says each of us is a separate self your pure consciousness and a separate clear consciousness is a separate pure consciousness she is a separate pure consciousness advaitha see so many separate you know consciousnesses how do you find the financing they are not separated why not one consciousness suddenly says well why are you seeing one consciousness why not different and advaitha method say that prove the difference after all the differences in body in mind what is the difference in pure consciousness are why are using different clear consciousness and some can give some reasons they will say none of our consciousness is a different for example when one is asleep the other one is awake so that consciousness of this consciousness cannot be the same answer it Sonia saying that you are not going okay let me give you throw you some sake objections one unconsciousness fantasies rubbish we're all different consciousnesses let me prove that you are a sieve I am away so clearly your consciousness is different from my consciousness what is it sleepy Barbie is sleeping - consciousness is anything consciousness it illuminates a sleeping body mind there Neelu means an average body mind here why are you seeing consciousness is different didn't even say when they know wait a minute what about work then get one person dies it goes away other person is living in here so consciousness is obviously different whoa so what would you ask me right what dies body it's an object what why should it make any difference whatsoever to the illumining consciousness okay fine the something we'll say here is a real liberation and bondage one gets liberated I am pure consciousness a part of the universe in sunken liberation and you are bound how can you say your consciousness of this consciousness are the same again same thing the bondage is in the mind in the liberation in the mind consciousness remains matches in my flesh also each other you liberated consciousness in your future the mind is not aware of it in your case the mind becomes aware of the difference so all of it none of it stands actually all these arcane objections there are five objections as a special number none of them stand really there are all differences in body mind there they cannot prove a difference if your consciousness and so advaitha Vedanta says one of your consciousness non-dual not only that some can say that the word is real what we see is there there is refuted there is no word I can see the tree and the lake and people consciousness am aware of it so I am real that's where those now it's like saying the lake is real it is the first date or the personal to really know because there is no forest there it just looks like that there is no word here it just looks like that some can be say that's crazy prove it I'll prove it listen listen to this many ways are proving it here is one thing two things are real and separate how can you show that this this pen and it's cap there are there they are two entities one of these careful is a metal called unreality rater agreement and differences pain and cap there are there are two entities and I am claiming that but it look one how can I prove that they're two different entities separate them if I show you the cat without the pen here is a goner entity and show you the pain without the cap here is another entity one in the absence of the other and the other in the absence of the first then you know that two different entities they can exist each can exist without the other usually they appear together one nice example that the teacher gave was a person it feels make nice teeth but you think are they real not adventures now you cannot know as long as both of them are appearing together you need to see the dentures apart of the person and the person apart from the dentures so when you suddenly go to the person's room and it comes with a nice grandfatherly toothless smile and you see the teeth sitting in the little pole there and say okay they are dentures they are not part of this person they are different they are independent entities they usually appear together but they are not together right so now some cases the world and consciousness are like a person and is dentures and the two different entities radiometer said aha I've got you why show me the universe apart from consciousness this is this is devastating can you you can if you want to show that the universe exists and consciousness exists and consciousness just becomes aware of the universe and consciousness because really foolish gets involved with one little bit of the universe and that's bondage and consciousness has to be convinced not to be part with this and see that you are apart from it that's your theory right something seems yes so the universe exists five elements and consciousness exists separately yes if they do exist separately show me the universe apart from consciousness you say the forest in the lake exists okay show me the forest apart in the lake I will do something terrible dry out the lake then in your theory the forest and the lake are two different entities if I dry up the lake I should see the forest there what will happen to the forest when they dry up the lake come come I can show you the leg apart from the forest and a cloudy day or at night I can show you a dark leg they'll be no forest in there right I can show you the leg apart from the forest you cannot I cannot show you the forest apart from the lake I can show you you consciousness apart from universe in Samadhi in deep sleep but I do not show you the universe apart from consciousness because to see the universities experience the universe you need you need consciousness consciousness no experience is possible without consciousness so you cannot show the universe without consciousness therefore you cannot prove that the universe exists independently apart from consciousness no if you cannot prove that the universe exists independently apart from consciousness our conclusion is the universe is something that appears in consciousness it is not different from consciousness okay there's a question you know this question is Ramakrishna's a realized soul and I have to realize so and I have the same consciousness which I shared with ramakrishna and how does realization work in this context you answer me do you remember I showed you the diagraph the Big C and the mind individually - reflected see the big C's covered to everybody right and the awareness in the particular mind is different for everybody so in one there like be an intuitive realization I am the big see the other one may not have that realization may have no idea what the big see may be content with the mind individual see repeat that again and I'm not clear yes because our problem is ignorance we do not know it we need knowledge Holland knowledge come by reasoning reasoning means any knowledge comes by enquiry so here also knowledge will come by and right yeah how can you reason without consciousness you cannot reason without consciousness obviously all of us have consciousness I've been programmed in this diagram yesterday in the body plus the unit universe outside this is our the world here your body clearly you have to deliver subject clearly you have a mind inside and the mind is illumined by awareness right now using our sentience and arises in the mind right now we are all sentient with all that awareness we have all got consciousness within us what is that consciousness that's the reflection consciousness according to Vedanta what we are not aware of what we not see none of this is dinner this is common sense every everybody knows this everybody experiences this all of this is not me another when Arthur wants to say that this vehicle this consciousness is a reflection of a real consciousness behind it or fundamental to it that is essential and that has to be understood by reasoning here how do you reason very simple everything and its function so just as eyes at the function of revealing form either at the function of revealing sound both ears the capacity of reason would be be scintillating intellect has the capacity of reasoning this little consciousness here uses the capacity of reasoning we will come to it the teacher will come and teach and lands have been lonely and listens to parent and reasons about things about it and begins to understand you are asking the next part of the story we've almost run out of time let me let me just go little further please repeat the question so that little consciousness goes through the life circle cycle and Bertrand samsara yes that's the Dexter right that's the next part of the story so now how do we have we have pure consciousness the only reality because of Maya India gravity which appears as God us and the universe and how it uses gravity to create something matter from which bodies are created our inner instruments and gross matter out by which the gross physical universe and our physical bodies are filled right that's where they are come now to add here is again don't be overrun by all of this remember that's that that is a logical piece of this is that we usually use of the smarter to get to the answer and then suddenly realize it's not it's like no use it's illogical in this in the sense that ultimately it is only the big seed that Easter is the real so what's the question no what I was saying is that all of these explanations are beautiful and understandable and very logical but yet the final truth is none of this matters because what matters is yes but why are you carrying all this because it's all in front of you that you want to know how did this happen you're talking about resistance consciousness but I don't see on that I see a body I see a mind I see your buildings and people then and life and civilization and birthday explain that they will fight among each other just step back a little and say yes Ramakrishna would say that is not important but again very interestingly I tell you big onion translate Mokpo for each you know at target rate at Lehigh now it means each fail is a path that are not important second statement which means don't fight about it third statement you have to follow a path there are many machs facts are not important to themselves because you have to end up somewhere that's where you're going so in that case there might be a misunderstanding so I don't need a path I'll make my own path no no you have to follow it not something you do something sincerely right so will son had yoga lead to liberation ask me yes if you ask a traditional not realistic pundit no it will be very clear show you many reasons why not and if you ask Santa or a yogi without going to link to decoration know it what why not of course if you ask them actually ask them in seriously the scholars of saints what in India right now there is admit to you in a sort of a siesta if all of it works but as a matter of doctrine philosophy they are bound to defend their own own structure and they have reasons very cogent reason silly they'll convince you so much an under expanded will convince you to such an extent you start meditating I think that's the worst thing in the world and I you mean we can mix you so well you drop the pencil she text intuitive never opened it again a simple simple argument which I am heard I yogi will tell you one of the paths of Sankhya yoga Advaita distant classes and be books what good is that you have to meditate and see yourself as different from property the non-dual is if you ask an angle is per day what's wrong with chunky why not some here yoga it's a yoga just sitting quietly good good is that we just sit quietly sit you see from a non who is perspective it's like ignorance is the problem and knowledge is the solution and knowledge is to be acquired for that we have to to do what is called inquiry which are invested so inclined has to be done what about meditation you know what it's like somebody goes to learn say medicine in school Medical College and there are all these big books to read and lectures to attend and lab to be done and suppose the student asks the professor sir will it help if I sit quietly professor will say yeah why no sure should quickly it's a help better than jumping or not if I only sit quietly is it enough of course not you have to come to class you have to read the book we have to think sitting quietly my typical preparation so that's the non dualists counter attack on the yogi yeah all your meditation is fine to what to what purpose sitting quietly we'll just be quiet that's all so this is the way they will but my position and the position of anybody who is you know who is well versed in all the systems and also it will mature and liberal will be all the systems worth the proof ways in all the systems and in all the faith's men and women of highest spirituality have come up from them so they all work the awkward now I went to the next stage of the story we have time right so lunch is at 1:00 let's go on a little bit of the story and stop the next part of the story is this oh I am going to show you just put down this subtle gross cosmic individual I'm going to give you a spill of sanskrit names now I'll tell you what it means this right is done cosmic individual causal subtle gross Ishwara Iranian aha Bharat and explained under prop gear Tigers fish is an individual if you cut that down let me just explain what it means let's do it this way that your consciousness one undivided consciousness when you actually experience it in the world right now and I'm saying pure consciousness is there all the time it's like saying in the riff in the forest in the lake if I say it's oh it's not a forest it's just water then you tell me show me then show you what appears to be the trunk of a tree and the leaves of the tree on top of a tree and about puppetry they're all just water them in the in the label in the same way that you have consciousness right now what is it it appears as treaties as udin or as a known object and as knowledge you the experiencer as an experienced object and experience so that pure consciousness Brahman is appearing to me as me Here I am this pen which I am seeing and my experience of the pen this is also problem that experiences also Brahman I endure a monster now this know we're known and the knowledge there are two ways in which they appear one is a cross we played once individually there is one nor two nor three nodes for each nor in different body and there are millions of little objects and millions of experiences toward the date or you can look at it this way all the knowers together is one cosmic north and that cosmic Nord knows the cosmos and has his own Nishant has complete knowledge all the time that the level of God or you can see that same millions of Latinos with knowing millions of knowable things having millions of separate experiences that's us individually what a Twitter sale is you can you can at ease erase the whole thing and say is all such Alana Advaita space intellectual okay now let me explain this in detail in more detail saying searched on under this existence consciousness placed Brahma with the cause of the body with the causal body what is the causal body Maya is called Aisha say in such calendar with the causal body which what is it Aditya this one is called rakia you and I when are we this phenomena Jill not right now in deep sleep when you are in deep sleep consciousness plus because our body ignorance that's deep sleep that's when that's not what we experience in deep sleep that is this and these ones consciousness with the power of Maya alone in the state of dissolution that the entire universe is gone when at night the reflected forest is will forest in the lake is gone only the dark link exists that's nature that's shown as Vishnu in a popular Hindu iconography Vishnu reclining on this couch the thousand added cosmic serpent and snoozing taking a nap your God is always sleeping that is Vishal Kosmic sleep means no universe now the subtle body comes after the council body the subtle body watch the subtle body this subtle body comes across the body plus the subtle body then what happens we departed the sleeping deep sleeper becomes the dreamer when we dream in our reach state I experience a dream world there are I am are searching I am cartridges literally means the firing one you are cartridges it's your name in between and all dreamers together all are dreaming consciousness all these subtle bodies together all the subtle ones you are subtle body myself very subtle body of all things in the universe altogether such a thousand the first all subtle bodies together is called here on who is coordinate a girl not the subtle body searched on with thoughts of the box remember there are two bodies the cross body is also depth in the right now then the body comes so dreamin digesta individual total entire universe the consciousness plus all set upon T Nagar is also in English it's called the cosmic mind all our minds network together the internet cosmic my Google so you know what is here under which one what is the meaning of his name is good grandpa who's the golden moon money this is discussion this kind of description is found in many ancient literature's in which in Taoism they talk about the golden egg from which the universe is emerged cos we find all our minds linked together so he went after you talking about a coward one of the names is hunter Yami a very popular name of God in Hinduism antaryami means the one who controls from within the one who knows everything in our hearts God sees into our hearts it means it's basically this year in Niger consciousness identified it all our minds all our lines are exposed to God all the time so that's then plus the cross one minute come then what happens then this one comes this product and I am called the same searched on the score visual and we she's gonna garbage not separate vishwas the name is vishwas technical name from be Marduk you mention we are all visual we show that really needs to be individual in the baking state which is aware of the external world so each other's individual is efficient but if you combine all gross bodies together one consciousness which is aware of all the physical body and the physical universe all together and identified with it I am all of this that is called without so cousin subtle gross and a cosmic level at an individual this is our waking state and this state got to be here we have a gross burden here we have a subtle body and we have a cross over and we are consciousness but limited by one subtle body one crossword then I become an individual and I call myself my specific name might be smallest about Priyanka but the generic name is visual when I forget this gross body and I dream then my name generic name is plagiarism when I'm going to be asleep nothing but C does individual it is there because I will make a beginning and up to the usual mischief after getting up so that seed stage is called round here here in deep sleep in cosmic level Maya and some gentleman at the causal level must be constantly they will issue a Maya plus all subtle bodies together same sanchita that the becomes Iranian Maya plus all subtle bodies plus the entire physical universe together becomes the same section under becomes without incidentally this is what Arjuna saw in the Gita 11th chapter of Genesis can I see that power and because Archana is in the waking state so what you will see is this we don't see it we see the universe scatter fractured in pieces whereas when Krishna said all right you want to see it I will show it to you it's called be sure whether sure we should refer mean my universal power this this literally means V naught means the vast the vast vast the causal body they entire subtle body of the universe and the entire physical universe so what did not you to see he saw the entire universe second one go the incredible experience how are we see yes see the same universe but in tiny slices over a period of 80 years 90 years over a period of thousands of lifetime's in tiny slices you saw Vancouver now you and now you see lutely you don't see not together you don't see Canada together you don't see the United States and Canada together you don't see the earth together no you don't you don't see all space together you don't see all time together from eternity from the Big Bang to the end of the universe all together the terrifying point I think it was Elliott who said if you stare too long into the abyss the abyss stares back at you part of us wouldn't be terrifying to be part of the new me a tiny part of it but you are seeing it separately yes you don't see this as part of you as part you who are separate and everything and all together looks at you and the rest will be terrifying because you remember what happened to use terrified interesting he wanted that vision he asked an apology and he got that experience and the result was he was immediately terrified he should be show me I cannot take this I mean immediately said every hair on his body stood on the end and the beautiful poetry did terrifying poetry this is as if a thousand suns rising in the sky together open heimer based on the first atomic bomb explosion New Mexico he chanted that words as if you gamma-d be smashed the yogurt lupita as if a thousand suns rising the sky together and that was talking about explosion of one little letter home the first one the Sun up there is a next is a is a continuous explosion of thousands of hydrogen bombs and it's a huge continuous fusion reaction and there are millions of Suns so that is the physical universe we are not including bodies all minds and our physical resources theta Y anima Sandra she's hacia Nastassja mahatma haha if in the sky a thousand suns rate to rise together imagine the combined with radiance of that that is the radiance of the form that I see now not to take this dirty car yes the question in this part of the story does collective consciousness have a part to play what what you was called collective consciousness is this also this all our consciousness together all our individual beings together in one identity one nessam the universe mother with a son enter in the cosmic intelligence but this confusion there because you know smartly and very individualistic he does not talk about this at all he talks about this and this is this this structure is a Vietnam big structure it's from my Tokyo condition it uses many different sense you can see when you study these philosophies it sounds extraordinarily complex but it's not it's basically different takes on the same reality they're different ways of appreciating the same alright the next thing a story this isn't forward again it's top story goes like this this individual you me in earth this individual fighting inside herself as a body and a mind in the midst of this vast world he is now subject to desire and fulfilment problems why because immediately becomes identified in this body one effect of arabia ignorance is to whale the fact that in consciousness if I'm an infinite consciousness infinite existence if I am the reality which the entire universe appears I have no desire at all what could I want I will have no fear at all what could hurt me right so the entire universe will be interference to me neither I'll be the only reality but that is eternal it is mine what I mean via ignorance this is the causal body it mites then what is revealed to be mind and this world my barding and this world and now the problem starts remember we are not moved in spite of all this complication we have not moved one step beyond Alan Watts story the digital children's story it's basically God pretending to be not God pretending to be not God you he inferred now what happens is this this person subject to hunger and thirst body and the body I am hungry I need food I'm thirsty I need water I am sick I need medicine he doesn't say the body is sick even if you said the body sick and still need medicine and so desire comes I'm unfulfilled basic problems and one will become incomplete yet each of us is haunted by a dream of fulfillment our guard nature really does not disappear that's what is driven everybody to religion to spirituality you do live that desire completion whatever we do in life from from the robber robbing a bank to taking care of sick people in a hospital - the greatest philanthropist - or greatest scientist applause effort all of us are trying to go back there we don't know it but we're trying in different ways as we try we generate karma and the Karma can be good can be bad according to whether it is our monitor computer bed good karma gives us good results unpleasant suffering and the life of this job becomes a life of sukhovka pleasure and pain and - are tries to get as much pleasure as possible and tries to avoid as much pain as possible and then commits acts of terminal eternal good and bad remember desires by themselves are not good or bad this is distinction which most people miss why desires are not good and bad desirable form I want you really have no control over it you see the difference between action and desire you can go out there and eat now if I tell you eat say yeah I can eat but if I tell you be hungry either if you feel hungry or you don't think of me you can't control it you can generate it if you exercise a lot I'd rather now don't eat for two days yeah and generate hunger but directly you have no control over hunger you have no control over desire that which you have no voluntary control over will not produce good karma or bad karma so desires in the mind that they come up they don't cause putting your power when the Sanskrit merit and demerit but immediately after that if you decide to entertain those desires if they're good desires and you translate them into speech and action they will generate merit or union good karma if you if there are bad desires and you know it to be bad and you still entertain it and translate it into action and speech then they will generate bad karma for you Bava and the result is happiness and missile and caught in the stream of happiness and misery not one life how did that come if you come according to your pastor and you live on another life another you wear it out in karma experiencing pleasure and me that dies you still have a load of karma to run and so we are strapped along the current of life let me just tell you how much progress we have made since yesterday there is a beautiful verse about this 30 verse number 30 we are now at verse number 30 you need not repeat we just follow verse number 30 I read out verse number 30 31 32 I'll read on verse it's 30 31 and 32 [Music] all right now we are at this to this point this in the point in the story verse 13 you need not repeated without not not donkey time of Todd Tata antara machete presento janma no janma love until a venir rhythm they are swept from birth to death two new birds to check again and again and again like a little worm being helplessly swept away in a torrential river there is no snare attain peace there is no ceasing there is no seizing Oh after death tell attain peace no heaven on Helen it's either will be sent to a party in Beverly Hills you have been very very nice or if I think there is not he will be dumped in prison heaven or hell awaits no peace and then after that some peace no once that is exhausted you returns back into this world in the new body born again is a baby somewhere no beasts and it goes on life after life after life then what happens 31 shut karmapa repower got a coruña MIDI note Rita dear Shyam miss Zhong en T at how Sokka and their world around by chance due to good karma just as the little worm may be picked up by some kind hearted person and foot under the shade of a tree and they and relaxes in the same way 32 what happens to us that's the world what happens to us who petitioned me OOP edition mama given our charger tateshina bunjaku shall be between love until britain para us that wish you are going from life to life to life the individual being what happens when a lot of good karma accumulates you become interested in spiritual life the bet your soul becomes interested in spiritual life not immature so immature soul is interested in worldly life clear division I remember this person a devotee in New York who works in one of the top fashion houses of the world he showed me that the place he works and he meant a CEO who's a multi billionaire and CEO somehow lights in sews wanting to CEO said ok tell me what can I do what do you think I should do something tell me something good which I can do with my money and then he added I know you are involved in that religion stuff don't tell me anything about religion religion is for losers I'm a multi-billionaire what do they need religion from immature it takes maturity once after a lot of good Karma's accumulated my data says you have plenty of good karma to come to spiritual life to come to Vedanta and sing spiritual life in a liberal sense but they will say to come to Vedanta you have come to an altar and you come to a guru you come to a guru the guru initiates you gives you the teaching the method of the five sheets discrimination of the five sheets by which you will realize you are not the shortages or tranvia you are succeed under and you will find final piece so that teaching comes next verse number 33 onwards that's the next part of the story what did the Guru tells the disciple the legal word been plucked from the rivers so what did the Guru tell the disciples that's after lunch Shanti Shanti Shanti honey [Music] [Music] you